Friday, January 8, 2010

Those Infernal Internal MEMO's in those pre-Internet Personal~Computer Days

MooPig Wisdom International proudly, yet, [without aid of Jann Wenner] humbly, submits President Richard Nixon as nominated to be inducted into the Bilderberger Hall Of Fame 2010.

The New World Order, The Bilderberg Plan – Control Oil, Control People
Part 23
By Deanna Spingola | 30 July 2007

OP ED , Opinion Opposite the Editor's
There are arguments from both sides of the oil issue: either we are quickly running out of oil or we have adequate oil to meet our requirements for generations. Both sides offer evidence, witnesses, experts and documentation to validate their assertions. Some peak-oil projects, funded by oil companies, are highly suspect. The very credible Lindsey Williams maintains that the North Slope in Alaska has as much crude oil as Saudi Arabia. Governor Frank H. Murkowski said in 2005 that there is enough oil on the North Slope to supply the entire United States for 200 years. [1]

Antony Sutton, author of Energy, the Created Crisis, is adamant that we have sufficient oil. Conversely, I have read reports which support the peak oil theory. I personally believe, after research, that “there is enough and to spare.” Doom and gloom, Chicken Little oil scarcity claims have been propagated from the beginning. A scarcity, authentic or manufactured, of any crucial commodity accomplishes the following:
1. Increases profits to those who manipulate that commodity.
2. Allows the controllers to determine availability to the “right” people.
3. In the case of energy – severely impacts lifestyle, progress and prosperity.
4. Extracts more money from an often overburdened consumer.

Henry A. Kissinger, Rockefeller’s well-compensated, multi-purpose minion and long-time member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) said: “Control the oil and you can control entire Continents. Control food and you control people.” [2]

Michael Collon, Belgian author said: “If you want to rule the world, you need to control oil. All the oil. Anywhere.” [3]

The first very memorable “oil crisis” occurred in 1973. Nixon, obedient to his handlers, announced the demonetization of the dollar on August 15, 1971. This allowed time for the “real deciders” to plan their strategy. Eighty-four individuals, financial, corporate and political elitists, gathered at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden for the annual Bilderberg meeting.

American attendee, Walter J. Levy, outlined the plan for a pending 400% increase in OPEC revenues, the exact percentage that Kissinger would demand of Saudi Arabian Shah. Their intentions were not prevention but rather a scheme on how to manage the projected abundance of oil dollars – what was later referred to by Herr Kissinger as “recycling the petrodollar flows.” The Bilderberg policy was to initiate a global oil embargo. [4] (Deanna Spingola | 30 July 2007)

An internal memo, dated January 8, 1973, from U.S. Bilderberg official Robert D. Murphy suggested a list of participants for the May 1973 meeting. He stated: “There will be room for only 20 Americans at Saltsjöbaden.” [5]

Those attending included Robert O. Anderson of Atlantic Richfield Oil Co., Lord Greenhill, chairman of British Petroleum, Sir Eric Roll of Siegmund G. Warburg (creator of Eurobonds), George Ball of Lehman Brothers Investment Bank, Henry Kissinger, William P. Bundy, Zbigniew Brzezinski (soon to be Carter’s national security advisor), David Rockefeller, Emilio G. Collado, Executive Vice President, Exxon Corp.; Gianni Agnelli, Otto Wolff von Amerongen and Arthur H. Dean, CFR Director (1955-72) and a partner in Rockefeller-oriented Sullivan & Cromwell. Kissinger had requested Warburg to develop the Eurobonds ten years before. [6] A very small scheming elite group, centered in New York and London, influence the economy of the entire world.

The reasons for the “oil shock” were:
1. Launch a colossal assault against world industrial growth.
2. Tilt the balance of power back to the advantage of Anglo-American financial interests.
3. Control the world’s oil flows, their most powerful weapon.
4. Increase the world demand for U.S. dollars. [7]

Egypt and Syria invaded Israel on October 6, 1973 which came to be known as the Yom Kippur War. This war was “secretly orchestrated” by Herr Henry Kissinger, Nixon’s national security adviser as well as Secretary of State. Kissinger effectively managed the Israeli response through his close association with Simcha Dinitz. Kissinger, “Nixon’s intelligence czar,” through privileged channels, misrepresented motives, suppressed communications, and intercepted intelligence reports ensured that the war would progress and end with his “shuttle diplomacy” as planned in May 1973 at Saltsjöbaden. The Arabs, scapegoats for the Elite, were the recipients of the world’s rage and Kissinger was the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for 1973. [8]

A “fortuitous coincidence” was that, with oil’s huge price increase, British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell and other Anglo-American oil companies were able to substantially recoup the millions they had spent in the exploration of the North Sea oilfields. Meanwhile, in Vienna, OPEC countries met and decided to raise their prices by 70% and initiated an oil embargo on all oil sales to the U.S. and the Netherlands (major oil port for Western Europe) because of the U.S. support for Israel in the Middle East War. On October 17, 1973, OPEC demanded withdrawal of Israel from Arab territories occupied since June 1967 and the restoration of the legal rights of the Palestinians. Nixon was in the midst of Watergate, orchestrated by de facto president Kissinger and assisted by Alexander Haig. [9]

There are detectable reasons for Kissinger, a Rockefeller asset, to “Watergate” Nixon, a man he detested and swore he would never work for – he didn’t. [10] In addition, the Watergate fiasco distracted the masses from the grave economic situation.

Richard Nixon as a Liberal :: now there is a liberating concept !

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