Sunday, January 3, 2010

How to Crash the BilderBerg Parties -- Mention GAZA at the Door...

It's 2010 :: do you know where your Bilderberger Invitation is?
by Pat Darnell and Snake Eaters

Suzy Kangaroo January 3 at 10:48am
it was a bit over my head too...did i saythis already?
i was in middle of msg that went "away?" anyhoozles...i did like parts of it.
I try to stay outta political and religious arenas for i get my head cut off like last life...LOL...
I will discuss art but not politically~ like Picasso, he had much politics in his ARt but i didnt getit, and didnt like it if i did get it. So that said...i am Lutheran and wiccan and i stay outta discussions where i may get nailed to a door or burned at the stake.

Music is fair game....jACKmylicious is great and Bill Dees ia too!!
i gotta run off and jump a friend {{jumpstart is -18 c -9 F and ya can frost yur nosehairs outthere and i gotta go out there...}}see ya....always lov chattin w/ ya :)

Patrick Darnell January 3 at 9:28am
too right,,, it is a parody .... and that is overly ambitious with a recent political time bomb of entirely bad taste on my part... funny head chopping thing there.. I don't opinionate on Picasso... rather -- I Pine out why Asso Op is Ate Up?

Patrick Darnell January 3 at 9:42am
Usually I am manic on Mondays... but a day early is okay. So one more bit of disinteresting wishful thinking about meself:
I was -- in my last life, that being my seventeenth -- a Bog Trotter down on the flood plains of the Mississippi near Port of New Orleans. I was physically the opposite of my now blue-eye-ness... and opposite to light hair and skin. I was a hybrid of the local colors then and lived a life of a Blues-Man.
I built my own guitar, and played a friends clarinet... don't know what years these are... but my life, seventeenth, was cut short too; Fishing boat accident type thing. Love the guitar, love the clarinet, love the baywaters and marshes, love to paint with oils on canvas, and not too particular how I look, even today.
-- that's my story and I'm sticking to it, Report from the Middle: where the women are strong, men are good-looking, and all the children are above-average... [thanks GK]

Patrick Darnell January 3 at 9:43am
BTW :: ...and -9 F is about wind-chill -80 F... sorry to hear that. Be careful with your car full, Bunkie.

PHOTO: Left-bottom, secret meeting place for the three top 2010 prime ministers of Bilderberger bewildering fundholders folderole...

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